Current Affairs Question and Answer

Question 1->Where did the Sagar Parikrama Phase IV conclude?
(A) Sikkim
(B) Assam
(C) Nagaland
(D) Karnataka
Answer : Karnataka

1 In which country did the International Criminal Court issue an arrest warrant against Vladimir Putin for war crimes?
2 In which city of Rajasthan did the Lakkhi Mela start at Kaila Devi Shaktipeeth?
3 Where did the ISSF Shooting World Cup begin?
4 Which country did Svaya Robotics develop the first indigenous quadrupedal robot for?
5 When is water stress expected to impact Indias food production?
6 In which city was ChatGPTs rival Falcon LLM launched?
7 Who was awarded the Order of Australia for strengthening bilateral ties?
8 Which year did Rest of India win in the final of the Irani Cup?
9 Which city was honoured with the Partnership for Healthy Cities Award-2023 for their tobacco control efforts?
10 Where will the International SME Convention 2023 be held?
11 Which country did Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida visit to explore ways to boost bilateral ties in security trade and high technologies?
12 Where will the Africa-India field training exercise, AFINDEX-23 be held in India?
13 Where were drugs and liquor worth more than Rs 6400 crore seized in two years
14 Which countrys Seylan Bank opened an INR-denominated Nostro A/c in an Indian Bank?
15 Which country introduced a smartphone emergency alert system for its citizens?
16 During the Global Millets Conference, which country signed an MoU with the World Food Programme?
17 How many times has the Indira Gandhi Airport been ranked the best airport in South Asia?
18 Which state decided to include millets in midday meals in schools and public distribution systems?
19 Which country banned the Chinese-owned video-sharing app TikTok on government phones over security grounds?
20 Where did the Sagar Parikrama Phase IV conclude?

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